

Manuals are so diverse in their types and uses, that it would be quite difficult to condense all of the benefits and applications on this page. To describe it simply, manuals provide valuable information that clarifies how something happens or why something happens, within a process.


Manuals can be written and used in several different ways. A few common uses are:

As reference guides--to supplement ideas, practices and procedures which are usually committed to memory

As new hire training guides and tutorials

Introducing new policies and procedures such as those dealing with compliance, security and new-hire orientation.

Training and tutorials sold to customers and clients, including eBooks and tutorials

As part of a "training system;" sold to earn recurring income, subscription fees or to indirectly sell upcoming products.

A well written manual is a versatile addition to any company's marketing or day-to-day processes. See how your company can use manuals to make more money, or to retain a knowledgeable and fully-trained staff. The list of possibilities is endless!


Get your business-changing ideas "transcribed" into a manual today by clicking the "BOOK ME" link above!










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simply look at articles authored by Jarvis... 
Chateau A.